We are a software house

Transform your business with world-class digital products and software solutions.

We develop digital products and software solutions that catapult your business to the next level.

An illustration of the same example software running on both a mobile and a desktop

What we do

We build the software you need

Whatever you need, we can build it. We're not just another software house. We're builders and we're here to help you build the next stage of your business.

Mobile device icon Mobile app development

We build innovative and feature-rich mobile apps that elevate the customer experience and grow your market share.

Desktop icon Web development

We build high performance websites and web apps that unleash your business potential and captivate visitors’ attention.

Puzzle piece icon Software engineering

We optimise your software development so you can easily deploy new products and modernise existing products.

Group of stars Extend your team

We join your team to plug the software skills gap so you can leverage our skills and achieve immediate growth.

Overflowing with ideas but thin on resources?

We can take your idea from a post-it note to a real life tool. Being a small team doesn't mean you have to have small ideas. Let us work alongside you to get your digital project off the ground.

Caremed logo

"Amr built an indispensable tool for us to automate all our patient record handling. It truly changed how we do business for good and gave us visibility on how the business is performing across all our branches. He listened to all our requirements and when nothing on the market fit our needs he delivered a system that is tailored to us. His software engineering skills was essential to our success and we continue to trust his judgment with automating our operations."

Hisham & Khaled Farid

Directors @ CaremedCo

Stop selling. Start building.

We can take your idea from a post-it note to a real life tool. Being a small team doesn't mean you have to have small ideas. Let us work alongside you to get your digital project off the ground.